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Okay, so I've noticed some things about the comments on this wiki
- They're mostly on the Ticci Toby page
- A lot of them are sad or downright worrying
- They often tend to turn into long conversations
I'd like to remind everyone the best place to talk about a lot of these things is the forums. It keeps things organized, and you get updates when someone replies to a forum thread you are following, so if someone has good advice for you, you can see that.
The forums are also better built for discussion than the comment sections are.
So this image brought this up...

...and it's driving me nuts. I'm sorry, but the artist thinks a being with God-like powers would lose against Slenderman?
He sometimes warps reality
People go insane and die just by looking at him
- Traditionally in mythology all things emerged from chaos (even the Big Bang theory pretty much says that), so being chaos itself would mean he is ancient and extremely powerful
He also is supposedly capable of ending the world, which is implied to be inevitable
Yet this says he would be destroyed by Slender Man?
Chaos itself could be defeated by a guy who teleports and kidnaps kids? Somehow he could use his powers to destroy an ancient being who destroys anything that looks at it?
Chaos can't be destroyed.
I appreciate the artist's talent and efforts, but I think the artist severely misjudged.
Anyone disagree?