Also king of creepypasta stands for the most famous creepypasta monster because slenderman was on the news because of the murders that people did for slenderman even ho hes not real
Forbarimperius Bruh creepypastas were populer in 2014-2015 thats when i found a lot of stuff out about creepypastas SO WTF DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?!
Fobarimperius i found that out in 2014-2015 HOW THE HELL AM I POST TO FIND THE SAME PAGE THAT TALKED ABOUT THAT?
Fobarimperius i wasnt even talking to you i was talking to PyroGothNerd
PyroGothNerd also i dont even look at Deviantart also my information was wrong he was the king of creepypastas around 2014-2015 so sorry about that but he still was the king of creepypastas and slenderman is darkness itself and i know that Zalgo could win but slenderman still has a chance as we have never seen slendermans full power
PyroGothNerd what are you talking about? slenderman has bin confirmed to be the king of creepypastas
Slenderman wins because he is the king of creepy pastas also slenderman himself has never shown his full power as he could probably destroy planets with his power also its stated in the lore of slenderman that NO ONE can stop him