It is the most popular article on this wiki
"it merely makes him more likely to be asked for autographs in public. By people he then impales on local vegetation"
I love your use of the English language so much, Implord.
I already said what I want. I want a source. Also the "King of Creepypasta" because he was on the news isn't something I have ever heard nor does it sound correct either. It sounds like a title maybe you gave him, but not one that would be his default title.
You're the person who brought it up, you can't just say Pyro's incorrect and say you know you're right when you're not providing a source. For all we know this is all a lie and you misread what you saw.
Posting evidence of your claims if you intend for them to be facts is on you, not us. It's your duty to show up to any debate with all of your evidence, not sit there and counter that you read it years ago.
"I read the common cold can give you cancer"
"Let me explain that that is incorrect"
"No, it was confirmed"
Not a valid excuse. As far as I can tell, this "King of Creepypastas" thing is pure fantasy and never happened.
You still haven't provided a source. Your entire argument is conjecture regardless of who you're talking to.
He is. He's just not being used for any stories because the author doesn't like him anymore.
Just a couple things
Being a Werewolf isn't a species, it's a supernatural condition. The term "Were" means "Man" thus "Man-wolf" = Werewolf, a condition that specifically affects humans. How it works varies from author to author, but being a Werewolf is to human as German Shepherd is to dog.
You should probably elaborate on how she managed to get free from Bryan after so much time.
Beyond that, it isn't bad. Honestly a decent concept.
@UnderWar Studios You still haven't provided a source. Repeating what you said isn't a source.
Source? I have never seen this confirmation.
It's best to just use a whole new character. Focusing on using Ticci Toby is the problem. Just make your own OC and be aware of how to write it properly.
Iron Man cosplayers are also real, that doesn't mean Iron man is.
I wish I had something substantial to add, but Implord hit all the points.
Anybody who idolizes serial killers is unhealthy, and needs psychiatric help, and I refuse to budge on this notion.
He's not a legend, he's a creepypasta, which is the equivalent of a fictional campfire story.
That group of people extends to pretty much everyone that would read Creepypastas/internet horror stories in the first place. (i.e. people who spend a lot of time on the internet instead ot being "out there" like a "normal person". Like me) Just mix that in with teen agnst, some "nobody-understands-me" emotions, and anime-style fanart and you've got yourself a recipe for disaster. Then all of a sudden, you have this "character" that's generically written to fit perfectly into an identifiable "I'm-ignored/maligned/bullied" figure. Thus, the river of sympathy begins to flow.
Your analysis likely isn't wrong, and part of the reason these characters are seen as "heroes", because rather than being remorseless killing machines like Michael Myers in the original series who was just screwed up, these people overcome their bullies and overpower their weakness, unfortunately coming out as the hero of the story by accident, and a killing machine is the last character that should be written this way as an audience shouldn't be rooting for the murderer.
All you did was basically repeat the word "Proxies" over and over and somehow act as if that validated your statement.
Proxies don't make any difference to Zalgo, he has reality warping abilities that Slender Man has never possessed.
Read the toby article, you'll see.
Like I said on the main wiki, people glamorize the Columbine shooters all the damn time. It's not unusual for the more disturbed members of society to look up to horrible people.
That said, that isn't a response to the question, it's a response to an entirely different question.
Luck is just like that.
Anyways, back to work everyone, fun's over.